The Detoxicating World of Tea
« Back to all articlesTea is always a good thing, right
throughout the year but thanks to its healthy properties it is perfect to help
us get back on track during a month of detox. Here are some of the health
benefits you can enjoy by drinking some of our organic Storm teas…
Estate Breakfast Blend
There are many health benefits locked
within the leaves of black tea including the ability to aid digestive
disorders, reduce high cholesterol levels and the polyphenols are known to
neutralise free radicals that can cause cancer.
Rooibos Chai
Rooibos is comforting yet refreshing and is
caffeine free. It is also high in minerals and antioxidants so is thought to be
good for teeth and bones and aids a good night’s sleep.
Drinking camomile tea soothes the nervous
system so that you can sleep better. It has been used as a solution for
insomnia for centuries and is naturally caffeine free. With its
anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, camomile helps in clearing up
skin irritations such as eczema, acne, and allergies.
Earl Grey
Our organic Earl Grey has many health
benefits locked within the leaves of black tea including the ability to aid
digestive disorders, reduce high cholesterol levels and the polyphenols are
known to neutralise free radicals that can cause cancer. The flavonoids present
in bergamot oil are very good relaxants as well. They soothe nerves and reduce
nervous tension, anxiety and stress, all of which can help with ailments
associated with stress such as high blood pressure, insomnia, and depression.
Greenfields Estate Green Tea
Ever since its discovery in China tea has
been appreciated for its medicinal qualities. In more recent times research has
focused upon the abundant polyphenols that are found in tea - particularly in
green tea and their antioxidant effects.
Polyphenols are said to neutralise free radicals which may help to halt
or slowdown the onset of illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Hibiscus with strawberry, apple and rosehip
It’s a great dieting product as it makes a
perfect pudding substitute since its sweet and delicious flavour helps to curb
the desire for a desert and is virtually calorie free. It contains Vitamin C
and is caffeine-free.
Naturally caffeine free and known to
relieve stress and anxiety and with its ability to relax muscles it can also be
taken to help with a good night’s sleep. Peppermint leaves are probably best known
for their ability to aid digestion and settle a bloated tummy. Peppermint tea
is a proven appetite suppressant, and the naturally sweet flavour of
peppermint means that a cup of the infusion can stand in perfectly for
dessert, making it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.
Sri Lankan Lemongrass and Ginger
Lemongrass is rich in antioxidants so helps
protect cells from cancer forming free radicals. It is said to promote healthy
skin too. Ginger helps to sooth
digestive systems and nausea and lowers cholesterol levels too.
Its sweet flavour and virtually calorie free status make it a perfect dieting aid. Enjoy a cup instead of a dessert to reduce cravings – and pounds!

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